Dog Resources
Shelters & Traveling
The ASPCA - There is no doubt, that the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a gift to all. It dates back to 1866, and it’s the ideal place for you to find adoptable dogs near you, to find ways you can help animals, how you can become an animal advocate, and a whole lot more.
Choosing a Day Care Facility - In choosing a Day Care for your dog, you certainly want to ensure you’ve made the right choice. Fortunately., the American Kennel Club has put together a list of some great questions you need to ask, and things you need to consider before making any decision. A little bit of research, along with a little bit of homework, is always the best first step, and when coming from the AKC, you know it’s good.
Traveling with your Dog - If you are planning on traveling with your dog, and if you are looking for some great tips, it’s the American Kennel Club to your rescue again. This site is filled with information on using crates, dog identification, and taking your dog on flights, in cars, on trains, and even in boats. You’ll find they’ve even included some great tips on choosing hotels and lodging.
Flying with your Dog - Whether your dog will be flying somewhere with you, or without you, you’ll love this article! Not only will you find information on your dog flying in the cabin with you, as well as their flying cargo, but you’ll also learn about Emotional Support Animals, dog safety when flying, weight limits, what to do pre-flight, and even a listing of the most dog-friendly airlines!
Motion Sickness - Dogs are no different than humans in that some are going to inevitably develop Motion Sickness. The question is, what can you do to help prevent it, and how do you treat it? The good news is, that this article by VCA Hospitals will help you with answers to those questions, making your dog’s life, as well as yours, that much better.
Building a Safe & Effective Doghouse - This is an incredible website where you can see pictures of different types of dog houses you can build, and if you like what you see, you can even download the plans and the instructions you’ll need. If this is going to be the first doghouse you have built, then this site is certainly a must-see for you.
Tips on Keeping a Doghouse Warm in the Winter - If you live in cold or inclement weather, your dog will love you for reading this article. You’ll find some great tips, such as placement, the color you should choose, and the temperatures when it begins to become too cold for dogs.
Making your Home & Yard Safe for your Puppy - Regardless of whether you are bringing home a new puppy, or if you just want to ensure your home and yard are safe for your dog, this is a must-read. It’s from the American Kennel Club and it’s filled with ways you can better protect your furry family member. As we all know, it’s often the little things that are overlooked, and that’s why we are confident you’ll love what you discover.
Medical Care & Emergencies
How to Tell if Your Dog is Sick - It’s never fun for you or your dog when they may be ill. How can you tell? Well, there are some tell-tale things you can look for by examining their skin, ears, eyes, mouth, nose, tail, and feet! Published by the Humane Society, you can rest assured this is great info.
First Aid for Your Dog - This is an article you and any family members should read now, as well as at the time of need. Published by the American Veterinarian Association, you’ll find it to be filled with useful information. It includes practical and proven techniques for dealing with bleeding, poisoning, heatstroke, choking, and a whole lot more.
Performing CPR on Your Dog Video - There’s no question that when your dog stops breathing, every moment is critical. This is a “must watch” video that should be watched by you, and any family members. Remember, if your dog stops breathing you will more than likely only have one chance to save their life, so we are in hopes this article will help you do just that.
Caring for a Lost Dog - If you or a family member finds a lost dog (or any other animal), the question is, what do you do next? This article by the American Humane Society provides many priceless tips on what you should do to help the animal be reunited with their family.
Reporting Animal Abuse - Unfortunately, animal abuse occurs far too often. The good news is the Humane Society has compiled a comprehensive list of things we should all be aware of, and do, when we see or suspect animal abuse. This too is a must-read web page filled with valuable information that will help our animal friends.
When You Find a Dog in a Hot Car - The question is, what do you do when you see an animal in a hot car? One certain thing is their life may very well be in jeopardy, and every minute may count. Together we can make a difference by being better prepared to take the appropriate actions, and this article by the American Kennel Club can help us do just that.
Choosing a Vet for Your Dog - If you have a new dog in your house, or if you are simply looking for a new veterinarian, you need to ensure you make the right decisions. Choosing a vet is no different than choosing a medical doctor, in that you’ll need to do your homework. This information-rich article by the American Kennel Club will help you do just that.
10 Questions Everyone Should Ask Their Vet - When taking your dog to the vet, there are several things you’ll need to do. One is, that you’ll need to have a list of questions for your vet. Beyond specific questions you have about your dog’s health, according to Pet MD, there are 10 questions you need to ask.
Inoculations for Dogs - We all know dogs are no different than people in that some inoculations are more important than others. Accordingly, we want to ensure the dog you love receives the proper shots. This article by the American Kennel Club will provide you with a lot of useful information.
Vet Hospitals - We realize that unfortunately there are times when you may need to take your dog to a veterinarian hospital. We also realize if it’s an emergency, you may be limited to taking your dog to the closest hospital. If you do have the time and opportunity to choose, you may want to visit this site to get a better understanding of what to look for in the hospital that you ultimately choose.
Integrative (Holistic) Medicine for Dogs - For many dog owners, Integrative Medicine has provided relief for their dogs when other more traditional approaches were unsuccessful. In considering a Holistic Veterinarian there are several things you need to carefully consider, and this webpage will help you do just that.
Accredited Online Pharmacies for Your Dog - We realize there are many online pharmacies for pets, and choosing the right one is critically important for your dog’s health as well as your peace of mind. This is why we are confident this article will help you when you are making your decisions.
Financial Assistance for Your Dog - When your dog is sick or needs emergency care, we know it can be traumatic for both your dog and you. We also know it can often be sudden and unexpected. This is when you find you may need some financial aid. Although this website is the San Diego Humane Society, you will find it includes national lending organizations as well as foundations that may be able to help with the cost.
Food & Nutrition for Dogs
Feeding Guidelines for Your Dog - Feeding your dog properly will lead to their having a longer and better quality of life. It will also benefit you by better ensuring you and your pet have fewer trips to the vet, and having to suffer when seeing your dog’s not doing well. This article by the VCA (Veterinary Centers of America) is a must-read.
Plants & Foods Toxic to Your Dog that Should be Avoided - Dogs will be dogs, and they’ll often eat things they shouldn’t. Considering there are plants and many foods that are poisonous to dogs, it’s not always easy to remember all of them. The good news is, that the Humane Society has assembled this wonderful list for dog owners just like you.
15 Tips on Improving Your Dog's Diet - Making sure your dog has the appropriate diet will play a huge role in the quality of their life. Here’s an article with a lot of really great advice when it comes to proper nutrition for your dog. Just like us humans, what we eat will dictate in many ways the life we will have.
The Very Best Diet for Dogs, According to Vets - Published by Reader’s Digest, this article is jam-packed with information provided by four Award Winning Veterinarians. With this article, you’ll learn about plant-based diets, labeling, frozen food, home cooking, and a whole lot more.
How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight - Is your dog a bit overweight? Do you feel they may be putting on the pounds, but you are unsure? Do you simply want to control your dog’s weight? If so, this is a great article that will help you identify the early signs of weight issues, you’ll learn about calories, and how to help your dog trim down the pounds.
Food Allergies in Dogs: What You Need to Know - Here’s a must-read article on food allergies and sensitivities that could have a huge impact on the well-being of your dog. It’s written by the American Kennel Club, and what you learn may very well surprise you. So regardless, if your dog is currently suffering from possible allergies or sensitivities, reading this article will be a great investment of your time.
Pet Insurance
What is Pet Insurance, and How Does it Work? - Regardless of whether you’ve bought pet insurance in the past or not, this is an article you need to read. You’ll find it not only provides a great introduction to pet insurance but it’s written in a way that will help you make the right decisions for both you and your dog.
Pet Insurance Buyers Guide from the ASPCA - As every pet owner knows, the cost of healthcare can be extraordinary. When it comes to pet insurance, it’s no different from your health insurance in that every policy will be different in what they offer, and the cost. Accordingly, you need to do your homework before deciding on a policy, and this article by the ASPCA can help you better understand pet insurance and the questions you’ll need to ask any provider.
What to Look for When Choosing a Pet Insurance Company - As with any insurance, pet insurance can be filled with surprises that aren’t necessarily good. Accordingly, the more you know about the ins and outs of pet insurance, the better off both you and your dog will be. You’ll find this article filled with a lot of really great tips on what to consider when choosing a provider.
Two Things Pet Insurance will Cover, and Three that it Won't -Here is an easy-to-read article that will certainly help you avoid any surprises. We know you love your dog, and you want the best for them, so if the time comes you need to use your pet’s insurance policy, we’d like to ensure any surprises are good ones.
Preparing Your Home for Your New Puppy - Preparing your house for a new puppy (or a more developed dog) is not only in their best interest, but it’s in yours as well. You’ll find this article is jam-packed with countless tips, and coming from the American Kennel Club, you know it’s all great advice.
Preparing Your Dog for a New Baby - When you bring a new baby into your house, not only is it a big change for you, but it’s a big change for your dog as well. As you can imagine, they not only don’t know what’s happening or why, but they simply don’t know what to do. The good news is, that the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has put together a wealth of information that will help you (and your dog) in countless ways.
Microchips for Your Dog - We’ve all heard about Microchips, and why we need to ensure our dogs have one. Yet there is so much more we need to know about them, from when and how they are installed, what’s recorded and where, and how the stored information is used for the safety of your dog. The American Veterinary Medical Association has put together a log of great must-read info on this site that you are sure to enjoy.
Microchip Registry - By having a microchip placed into your dog you’re off to a great start, but you’ll need to ensure all the information on your dog (and you) is safely stored in the cloud, you keep it up-to-date and ensure it’s available to the shelters in case your dog is lost. The good news is, this website will help you do just that.
Plants & Foods You Should Avoid Giving Your Dog - Dogs will be dogs, and they’ll often eat things they shouldn’t. Considering there are plants and many foods that are poisonous to dogs, it’s not always easy to remember all of them. The good news is, that the Humane Society has assembled this wonderful list for dog owners just like you.
ASPCA Poison Control - We hope you never need it, but you’ll find this site contains the 24/7 hotline for the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center. You may want to write the number down in an easy-to-find place you can quickly access.
Safety During Fireworks - If you know a holiday or celebration is coming up that will include fireworks, you’ll need to ensure your dog is safe, not only from the obvious dangers but from the stress and trauma as well. The American Kennel Club has done a great job in compiling this information, so ensure you and everyone in your family give it a read. Your dog is depending on you doing so.
How To Groom Your Dog at Home - This is a great article by the Humane Society and it provides a ton of really great tips on how to bathe your dog, maintaining their coat and teeth, the supplies and tools you’ll need, and a whole lot more. Your dog’s good health is dependent on proper grooming, so this article is one article you really won’t want to miss.
Brushing Your Dog's Teeth - In the same way as we humans, dogs too depend on good, oral hygiene. The question is, are there things you can do at home to help your dog maintain good oral health? The answer is “Yes there are”, and although there are a lot of great articles on this subject, we really like this one from the Veterinary Centers of America Hospitals. We suspect you will too.
Safely Clipping Your Dog's Nails Video - Here’s an easy-to-watch video on how to properly trim your dog’s nails. Make a mistake and cut one a little too short and not only will it be incredibly painful for your dog, but they’ll be reluctant to sit still during any future clippings. Not only will you find all the general practices in this video, but you’ll learn some really great tips most would never think of.
Choosing the Best & Safest Dog Toys - We all want our dogs to be safe and happy, and to reach that goal we not only have to provide them with toys they’ll enjoy, but they need to be safe toys as well. This is a great article by the Humane Society, and we are confident you’ll love what you discover.
Fun Puppy Training Games - This article is jam-packed with easy-to-understand and easy-to-play games that will not only be fun for both you and your puppy, but you’ll find the games to be great training tools as well. You certainly have plenty of options to select from, so enjoy!
33 Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy & Entertained Indoors - We realize boredom can cause trouble for any dog. We also know finding ways to keep your dog’s mind occupied can often be a challenge. This is especially difficult during inclement weather when they are unable to spend a measurable amount of time outdoors. Accordingly, we suspect you’ll be thrilled with what you discover in this article.
End of Life Care
Caring for Terminally Ill Pets - When your dog is diagnosed as being terminally ill, it can be difficult on you as well as them. Accordingly, there are many things you should do to ensure your dog has the best quality of life in their remaining time, and you are to have the peace of mind needed. Although this article addresses all types of pets, we found it to be very well written, and we are confident you will be pleased with what you learn.
End-of-Life Care for Your Dog - The questions most have toward the end of their pet’s life are many. Those questions include (but are not limited to) should they consider Hospice, and what about Euthanasia? Other questions are, what should you do if your dog dies at home, and should you consider cremation or burial? Although no one can answer all these questions, we feel this article by the ASPCA will answer the most common ones.
Overview of Palliative Care & Hospice for Pets - When it comes to Palliative Care and Hospice, many are unfamiliar with both. We have found this article by Veterinary Centers of America will provide you with a really good overview of both, allowing you to make decisions that are better for both you and your dog.
Euthanasia - We feel this article by the American Veterinary Medical Association does an outstanding job in not only explaining euthanasia, but it providing insights on how to know when it’s time to let your dog go, how to say goodbye to them, and how to make the process as peaceful and bearable as possible for both you and your dog. This is a must-read for anyone who has a terminally ill dog.
Pet Cemeteries & Crematories - This site will give you a good introduction to pet cemeteries and cremation services. You’ll find there are a lot of good tips, just bear in mind that during emotional times, you may want to do a lot of research, and ask for the support and guidance of trusted friends and family members when making such decisions.
Memorialize Your Dog - Here’s a listing by the Animal Humane Society of many ways that you can memorialize your dog. This will better ensure your dog stays in your mind as well as your heart, and it can provide comfort to your family as well. There are also several companies that can create custom jewelry that contains some of the ashes of the dog you so loved.
Grief Therapy & Bereavement When You Have Lost Your Dog - Losing your dog can be devastating, and the associated grief can be overwhelming. This article by the Veterinary Centers of America is a wonderful resource in that it can help you cope with your loss. If you decide to reach out for professional help, bear in mind many therapists specialize in Grief Therapy.
Helping Children with the Loss of Their Dog - The loss of a pet can be devastating to children, so you need to pay close attention to how they process it. The University of California Davis is world-renowned for its Veterinary School, so you can rest assured this article published by them can help you (and your children) in countless ways.
Dog Trainers
How to Find & Choose a Dog Trainer - Finding the right trainer for your dog is critical to their development, and what they learn (and don’t learn) may be with them for the rest of their lives. Accordingly, choosing the right trainer is critically important for your dog’s health and well-being, and the impact it will have on your life as well. Written by the American Kennel Club, you’ll find this article to be a real winner.
5 Common Mistakes People Make When Training Their Dogs - In many ways, training your dog is similar to training children. One of the commonalities is there are some things you simply need to avoid. This article by the American Kennel Club will help you avoid those mistakes, leading to a happier dog and a happier you.
How to Break 7 Bad Dog Habits - Just like people, it’s easy for a dog to develop bad habits. If you have a dog that digs in the yard, barks at the doorbell, begs at the table, as well as several other unwanted behaviors, then you’ll love this article. You’ll find solutions to 7 common bad habits, and you’ll have a better understanding of how to prevent them from developing as well.
About Us & Our Mission
The Karen Cooper Foundation - The Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit public charity created to fund and support the mission of the Angel of the Forgotten Organization.
How You Can Help - You can help us by adopting sheltered dogs, by contributing to our charity, by following us on Facebook, and by telling others about this page.